Digital Fireside Chat: COPPA and the Changing Regulatory Landscape

Written by PRIVO | 11/9/18 5:22 PM

The first half of 2018 has seen significant developments in privacy protections for individuals. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into force in May, which was followed by the California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA) of 2018 which comes into force at the start of 2020. 

Wednesday, October 31, 2018 PRIVO hosted our Digital Fireside Chat: COPPA and the Changing Regulatory Landscape. We discussed the changing regulatory landscape in the context of COPPA and the impact on child and student digital privacy.

Our guests were Denise Tayloe, Peder Magee, Björn Jeffery, and Claire Quinn. The webinar included some interesting great insights from these industry experts:

While it can be complicated at times to get it right, you have to look at what the ultimate cost would have been. For us, this was a play on trust. So if we are trying to gain and maintain the trust of parents then we have to make sure that everything is in order.
-  Björn Jeffery, Co-founder and Former CEO at Toca Boca


The elephant in the room is that people (companies) don't want to ask a child or parent to go through a consent process because you get drop-off.
- Denise Tayloe, CEO at PRIVO
It’s not about “COPPA killing the internet” but more about companies not understanding or engaging with the regulation.
- Claire Quinn, VP of Compliance at PRIVO

If you’re an operator of a child directed site you have to assume that anyone coming to your site is a child, and you have to provide a notice and obtain verifiable parental consent before collecting their personal information.
- Peder Magee, Bureau of Consumer Protection at the FTC